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Diagenode BioRuptor Pico
Diagenode BioRuptor Pico

Medium throughput (6 - 12 samples) DNA fragmentation device resulting in high quality fragmentation results using low cost plastics.


Via ultrasonication, DNA samples can be fragmented to specific median sizes in the range of 150 to 1000 bp.

Sponsor / owner

This device was acquired by BRIGHTcore through co-investment of the ORC (HEIM ; Prof. Dr. Elke De Bruyne), REGE (Prof. Dr. Karen Sermon), LIVR (Prof. Dr. Leo Van Grunsven) and UZ Brussel.

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Maintenance contract

The maintenance contract is funded by BRIGHTcore.

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BRIGHTcore / T +32 (0)2 477 64 79 / F +32 (0)2 477 68 59

Photography / See our Colofon

Content & illustrations / Ben Caljon

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